Bears in Garbage

Bear and garbage in truck

Squamish is the number two municipality in BC for bear human incidents. Port Coquitlam is number one. In Port Coquitlam all garbage bins must be kept inside, unless  it is not possible. Stratas don’t have the choice to allow bins to be kept outside, and any starta that doesn’t also enforce the by-law incurs fines. Any bins outside must be locked. No bins can be put out before the morning of garbage pick up.

Whistler updated it’s by-laws this spring to bring in more enforcement and fines.

People keep leaving garbage bins outside unlocked. We either need to start fining people or bring in a by-law that mandates all garbage bins be kept inside, unless units don’t have garages. All new construction must have the ability to keep garbage bins enclosed.

Too many bears are being killed because we are being careless. It’s just not fair to the bears. Squamish can do better.