

Every Voice Counts

Donating to political campaigns is an integral part of exercising your democratic rights and ensuring that all people can run for office, no matter their means. Unfortunately, for this election, donations are not tax deductible.

Even small amounts count, and if you wish to donate less than $10 please, let us know, and we will be happy to arrange a way to make that happen. Please contact with any questions or requests.

You must be a resident of BC to donate and the maximum campaign donation is $1,200 per person, per candidate or elector organization. If using a joint account please indicate who the donation is from.

The campaign accepts email transfer to, which lets us keep all the money. Cheques made out to Sacha Fabry Campaign, cash, and in kind donations valued at market value are also accepted. Mail to Box 2331 Squamish, GD  V8B0B6, or contact for pick up.

If you wish to pay by credit card, please use the buttons below, or we can send you an Invoice through PayPal directly if you email

To donate other amounts, just add multiples to the box to get to the amount you would like to donate. For example, enter a “2” in the box below $10, to donate $20. You can also select $50 and $10 to get to a $60 donation. You will only be billed once.

Thank-You so much for your contribution. Sacha will use it to reach out to as many residents of Squamish as possible with his message and listen tot their feedback and concerns, hopefully following through on the next Squamish District Council.